Friday, August 7, 2009

ERGObaby Carrier Review!!!!

I am soooo excited to have the opportunity to review an ERGObaby Carrier on my blog! The very nice people at Ergobaby sent me their "HandsFree System" which includes the ERGObaby Carrier, Front Pouch, and Backpack. This carrier was invented by a Mom who wanted to keep her baby close, but also wanted to be comfortable! I have been dying to try this carrier since I have been learning more about babywearing and hearing about different products through other moms on Twitter. I heard ONLY the best about the Ergobaby and at first wondered why it was so great! Initially, I thought it looked similar to a Snugli or Bjorn style carrier with snaps and buckles...and FYI those kill your shoulders and back! However, I learned that the design of the ERGObaby allows your baby's weight to be distributed between your hips and shoulders. It also allows for a natural, more ergonomic seating position for the baby and helps prevent compression of their spine. Here is what you need to know about the ERGObaby carrier:
*Can be used for newborn up to 40 pounds. For newborn to about 4 months you would also need to purchase the "newborn insert" which is a special pad to cradle the baby in the carrier.
*Can be worn 3 ways: front (facing parent), back, or hip carry.
*The shoulder and waist straps are padded thick to be extra comfy.
*VERY easy and quick to put on.
*Folds up fairly small for easy portability
*Has attached hood to provide sun shade, privacy while nursing, and/or to support head of child if sleeping.
*Also comes in Organic fabrics
*Chosen as 1 of the 20 best products in the last 20 years by Parenting magazine

I've mainly been testing out the ERGObaby Carrier around the house, playing in the yard, at the park, grocery shopping, and the ultimate test- a zoo trip! It has been very comfortable and I love how the majority of the weight is hanging from my hips instead of my shoulders. It's really neat how Charlotte is in a seated position- almost as if being held. If she is tired, she falls asleep very quickly in the front carry position. I love that her little arms go around my waist and we are very close together.
At the zoo, I was able to take Charlotte in the ERGObaby carrier and then just take a single stroller (instead of the giant double!) for Luke. I like to have options as far as where to put the kids if they get fussy. Charlotte was happy being worn, but Luke was acting "scared" of the animals! I think he was putting on an act for us, but anyways...I suggested he ride in the ERGObaby so he could get a good view of the animals and be safe and secure with Mommy. He liked that idea so I popped Charlotte out and put her in the stroller. I turned the carrier into the back position and had Luke climb on and away we went! So easy!

Things I LOVE about the ERGObaby Carrier:
*I love that Charlotte is held belly to belly with me in the front position (No fabric from the carrier in between)
*I love how fast and easy it is to put on and get her inside. Definately user-friendly.
*Fabric seems strong and durable. Buckles are heavy-duty and there is reinforced stitching at the seams.
*No complicated tying involved.
*It is even comfortable with Luke carried and he is over 31 pounds.
*Hands are FREE to tend to Luke, do housework (I know you're thinking that never happens!), push shopping carts, make dinner... whatever you need to get done!
*Handy zippered pouch in front that is big enough to hold my wallet and cellphone. I used the detachable Front Pouch to carry my camara at the zoo. The Backpack can be worn seperately or attached when child is in back carry position- this would be awesome for hiking!
*It's machine washable!
*Numerous benefits to babywearing.

If you know me in real life and want to test out the ERGObaby carrier just let me know and you can borrow it for a little while! For more information visit:


Pamela on August 10, 2009 at 8:28 AM said... 1

How did you snag a free Ergo? I have been wanting to try one for freakin ever! Looks so comfy!!!


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