Sunday, August 9, 2009

Don't Tell Me Summer is Over

I can't believe summer vacation is ending this week (well at least for me!). Work starts again on Wednesday, but I will be meeting with other SLPs on Tuesday to go over some things so REALLY my last day is tomorrow. :( I've packed in a hair appointment and hoping to get the oil changed on my car as last minute t0-do's. Time this summer has flown by! I am not sure if it is because of JW's knee injury, adding a new baby, or just time going by faster as I get older. I feel like there were so many projects I wanted to get done but procrastinated on. I still have between 10-15 lbs to lose before I feel better about myself and can fit in my Fall pants for work. Didn't exercise enough, didn't get my pictures in albums, didn't go on any vacations, didn't get my clothes sorted and organized... lots of didn'ts.

BUT we did have 5 months at home as a family. We did spend countless time swinging, playing soccer, and fishing with Luke. We did spend hours and hours (more like days!) holding Charlotte and cuddling her. We did eat wayyyy too many bowls of ice cream. We did get to catch up with some great friends. We did share fun cookouts and zoo trips with family & friends.

JW will be staying at home with the kids for now while he is laid off. Please pray for him... haha... no seriously... we may need to start praying now! ;) He doesn't think he is cut out for the stay-at-home-dad thing but he has gotten a lot of good practice this summer! I start to feel choked up and get teary eyed when I think about being gone every day for hours and hours... but I know it will be okay. I will adjust to the new routine and schedule and so will the kids. I'm going to try to have fun and enjoy these next few days and not get too stressed about going back to work!

Oh, did I mention we bought a pool at Aldi's for $24.99?? It cost our guests more than that to feed their family of 5 at Subway before heading to our house. It definately lived up to the money spent today! We had 2 adults and 4 children in it at the same time, playing and having a blast. It was so humid and hot today, it was a lifesaver!


Pamela on August 10, 2009 at 6:09 AM said... 1

So sorry your summer is over! I'm so grateful that I can be an at-home mama. And Aldi's? Love that place.

Bri on August 10, 2009 at 6:41 PM said... 2

I know I wanted summer to go on an on and on. We went back last Thu. Sad days :(


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