Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back to Work

I haven't yet said much about being back at work these last two, almost three weeks... it's been a difficult adjustment to make. I am missing the kids while at work and (I think) they are missing me as well! I am working full-time, but part of my position this year is supervising half of the week. I am now the only SLP at one elementary plus a small christian school and then supervising at another elementary, a catholic school, and a children's home. We are rushing to start therapy much earlier this year due to a new service delivery model. I feel like there is just paperwork upon paperwork upon paperwork to be completing at all times. The beginning of the school year is always busy with hearing screenings, students transferring in and out, new students to screen- evaluate- and enroll, etc. and it all comes with gobs of paperwork! We are also learning to bill Medicaid this year so that adds (you guessed it!) MORE PAPERWORK! It's just been crazy and lots of new things to learn and keep track of. Once I had kids I learned to make LISTS... now I have to write everything down at each school so that I don't forget something important. I blame it on the "mommy brain" because I used to be able to remember everything so well! As soon as school started, we all got sore throats/runny noses so that didn't help adjusting to the work routine either. Basically, I am just exhausted by the time the kids go to sleep and feel like time is just flying past me. I am sure I will get into a routine and it will feel better but for right now its still feels like we are adjusting. I am still nursing Charlotte and hope to continue for as long as possible. I am finding it hard to find the time to be able to pump at work and keep up a supply for at home. One day this week I opened the freezer and only a few bags of milk were left... she drank like 4 or 5 bottles whereas I only brought 2 bags home that day! I'm not sure how people keep up their supply while at work but it may be that I just don't have enough time or maybe my pump is not the best. With Luke I nursed until about 9 months of age. I was hoping to go longer with Charlotte but I am starting to worry that is not going to happen as easily as I had previously thought. Another peril of being a working mom I guess.

JW was supposed to start back at work this coming Monday, however was told he is laid off for at least another two weeks. He is really bummed about that. He is sick of being at home all day and would like to be working. Hopefully business will pick up soon and he will be back to work! It's too bad the roles are not reversed with him having the more stable job and me being able to stay home. But it is what it is and we are that at least one of us is working and can make ends meet.

The best part of my day is when I walk through the front door and my little Lukie smiles at me and says, "Mommy's home!" and comes running to give me a BIG hug.


Mary on September 2, 2009 at 1:46 PM said... 1

Oh Elizabeth I feel for you! I remember the days of coming home exhausted after a day at school with everything that entailed but I can't imagine doing that all day and then coming home to my kids. I wish you were able to be at home with your kids. How great is that to have Luke be so happy to have you come home each evening! That would make my day too! I need to email you and see if there would be some Saturday we could get together. Hang in there! Maybe once you've got a set routine it will be better.


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