Friday, August 14, 2009

Charlotte at 5 months!

I can't believe Charlotte is already 5 months! She is definately getting bigger every day. Right now, she is fitting in 9 month size clothes! The biggest event this week for her has been the attempt at starting some rice cereal. She is always grabbing at our food, drinks, and utensils so I thought she wanted to try some REAL food (well if you call that stuff real haha). I haven't felt terribly successful in our 3 attempts at the rice cereal. More seems to end up on her face, her clothes, and spit back in my face! She loves doing raspberries now with her tongue and so she gets a bite and then blows it back out! It didn't seem to me like she swallowed much, but she has been having more tummy trouble so maybe she got more than I thought. As you can see we made quite a mess!

Charlotte is constantly chewing on anything she can get her hands on. She also likes to grab at anything within reach- including Luke's hair or clothes which he does NOT appreciate! She gets up on her hands and knees and does a few rocking movements. She loves to be carried. She loves it when you pretend to sneeze or do peek-a-boo. She loves getting a bath Most of all she loves watching her big brother Luke. Her eyes are on him all the time! He got some good giggles out of her the other day when zoobering her belly.


Kekibird on August 19, 2009 at 10:18 AM said... 1

Oh my god....was a cutie! Both of them. The video is great and I love her little chubby thighs. They do grow so fast!

Sandy on August 24, 2009 at 5:10 AM said... 2

I just wanted to let you know that on the Momfluence forum there was a question put visit another members site that you did not know. Then go back there and post it. I picked yours.


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