Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Love Story

My Grandparents will be celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary on Friday July 31 st! They have a great story of how they met 59 years ago! From what I recall, Grandma was engaged to be married to another man. She worked in a record store where one day my Grandpa came in and told her, "You aren't going to marry that guy." She asked, "Why not?" and he said, "Because you're going to marry me!" Apparently he must have been a very persuasive (and handsome) young man because indeed they were married within just a few weeks of meeting! He bought her a cherry coke for 5 cents and off they went to Pocahontas, Arkansas to elope (there were less requirements in that state). What an adventure that must have been! Now 59 years later, they compliment each other so well. I hope they have a wonderful anniversary!
It sounds like love at first sight. How about you? If you are in a long-term relationship, did you know right away you had found "the one" or was it a gradual process of falling in love? I'm curious so please leave me a comment and let me know!
Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa!!


Abra Clampitt on July 30, 2009 at 7:13 PM said... 1

So sweet- it kind of reminds me of the Notebook. :) Gosh, I love that movie. Congrats to 59 years- that is truly amazing!

My husband and I have been together for 8 years, married 4. But we knew within three weeks that we were in love and wanted to marry each other- and I was only in high school! But here we are, happily married. :)

Pamela on July 30, 2009 at 7:45 PM said... 2

What a great story.

My husband and I met as children. We knew each other throughout high school, and never dated, never actually ran in the same circles or anything. We started hanging out the winter of 2001, when he was living in the town where we live now, and I was living in Cleveland. My parents marriage hit the skids, and my little brother was pretty much unsupervised, so I spent a lot of time travelling back and forth. The Mister was brother's sunday school teacher, and the only person my age in town.

He professed his love for me that Easter, and I said, "Oh, that's nice. Let's just be friends." And we got married December 1, 2001.

Kekibird on July 31, 2009 at 9:56 AM said... 3

Wow, what a story. Those relationships come far and few between these days. My grandmother met my grandfather when she was 12 and working in her dad's office. My grandfather walked in looking for a job and 5 years later they were married.

chadandnikki on August 1, 2009 at 9:21 AM said... 4

That's an awesome story. My grandparents 50th anniversary is today.

The hubs and I knew pretty early on that we were with our one and only. But, we were both way too young to be that committed. It's amazing how time works everything out.



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