I have always looked forward to the 4th of July. It's a tie between Christmas and the 4th for my favorite holiday. We used to sit on my grandpa's sailboat overlooking the lake where the big fireworks display occurs. I could sit on my own on top of the boat or by myself at the end of the pier and enjoy the cool summer night and some silence amongst the booms. Watching the fireworks in the dark always made me reflect on where I was in life, often what I had and didn't have and still wanted. Honestly, I remember wishing on every blown out birthday candle, shooting star, and sky lit up with fireworks that I would someday meet my soulmate. When JW was here visiting and we got to watch the fireworks together, it was so nice to share our American holiday with him and I wondered to myself, "Wow, did God really grant me my wish? Does that really happen?" haha Now we are married for 8 years and unfortunately we take a lot for granted! I need to conjure up great memories like those so that I don't get lost in the shuffle of taking care of two little kids and one annoying dog! Last year we sat out in our backyard around a fire while listening to the hum of the baby monitor mixed with distant fireworks that we couldn't see. It was really lovely just to be together and chat even if we couldn't see a display! This year we stayed at my mom's house so we could watch the fireworks from their backyard. We thought Luke would enjoy it! Ummmm not so much. The neighbors were shooting small fireworks off in the evening and he was a little worried and scared of it. A couple of teenagers were throwing poppers at each other (smart neighbors, huh?). He kept an eye on them and wanted to go inside or have his ears covered sometimes. A little later on, Luke decided he wanted to go outside and swim with Colin and Karlson. He was in the water when the neighbor threw a big one. He started flailing and kicking and crying in the water trying to get back to where I was standing. I was reassuring him that he was okay....mind you he is still screaming in terror... and was reaching to help pull him in and then the neighbor threw an even BIGGER firework into the water. I was so mad but all I could do is scoop up the traumatized toddler and try to run him inside as quick as possible. He was soooo scared. We tried going out again later for the large display because I was going to cover his ears and they are far away... but nope he saw a few and FREAKED OUT again. :( Luckily for me, Daddy took him inside and held him on the couch and reassured him). He was fine as long as he was inside. I got to watch the display but it wasn't as fun without JW and Luke enjoying it as well. The local radio station pairs music to the show and it always brings a tear to my eye to hear "What a Wonderful World" with the fireworks and of course, "Proud to be an American". So this year, I did reflect on life again but in between times I ran in the house to make sure Charlotte was still asleep and that Luke was still happily sitting with Daddy on the couch. I guess that's the life of a Mom, but I am lucky to experience that as well! Maybe I would have never had any of this, had I not been wishing on those candles, stars, and fireworks in the past. These pictures were from a very nice cookout at Aunt Amy's house on Friday. The boys wore their matching fireworks shirts we *ahem* they made out of pasta noodle patterns and sparkly paint! Colin and Luke looked like little twins in their matching shirts. Charlotte also had a matching onesie, but had to do an outfit change so she could wear a cute patriotic summer dress as well!
As for Luke, we had three nights where fireworks were still being blasted around bedtime and I had to lay in his bed with him until he fell asleep. Hopefully, karma for traumatizing a toddler with fireworks is a real B*&^%!
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