Tuesday, June 30, 2009

End of the Journey

For the entire month of June I have been using Twitter to micro-blog my mommy adventures and competing against 29 other very cool moms for a grand prize! To start the Sling and Swaddle adventure Hotslings supplied us each with our very own baby carrier and Miracle Blanket gave us two swaddling blankets. In return, we were to be tweeting and blogging about our experiences day to day with our newborns! I had never used Twitter before and wasn't sure how it worked. It was a little confusing and overwhelming to figure out how it works but now that I use it... I kind of like it... well okay Love it sometimes. :) I have been trying to keep up with my tweets and occasionally posting info. on this blog for the contest. Hopefully you all have enjoyed the information that I shared! I know at least the family loves seeing any new pics of the kids. I realized I have more pictures with Charlotte and I together than I do of Luke and I when he was a newborn and mostly that is because of this contest! So that's a great gift for us in the future. I also was just dipping my toes into the babywearing pool when I bought my Sleepywrap carrier. Now that I also have a Hotslings carrier and have been tweeting with other moms, there are several styles of carriers that I would love to try out! Seasoned babywearers say you can never have too many types! I find that when I am wearing Charlotte, her head is up close to me so I naturally talk with her while I am walking around and describe what we are doing. Great for speech and language development! She gets a good view of the world around her instead of being stuck in the carseat stroller...which by the way she usually hates to ride in! If I try to just carry Charlotte while I go in a store or play outside with Luke, I notice how quickly my back starts aching. The difference is amazing! Wearing her in the Hotsling allows her to be comforted and feel close to me while I am able to tend to Luke, clean, or shop! I love having two free hands when it gets busy around here. Babywearing is beneficial for baby, convenient for mom, and Hotslings makes it fashionable.

I definately have also seen the benefits of swaddling your baby. Dr. Harvey Karp lists it as one of the 5 S's for infant sleep solutions! http://www.colichelp.com/shop/happiestbabyontheblock.html
I never had any luck with the swaddling blankets that use velcro that you can buy at Target or Babies R Us. They never stayed tight and the velcro was loud enough to disturb the baby. The Miracle Blanket did look complicated at first when we got one for Luke, but once you get used to it, it literally goes on in seconds. Charlotte is still wearing hers and she has yet to wiggle any body parts out of it. I think I mentioned before that I love how it stays in place and I don't have to worry about blankets or covers coming up around her mouth. That takes a huge worry off of me at night when we go to sleep. Our little girl has spent all but one night at home swaddled in her Miracle Blankets. :)

I was a little skeptical of this Twitter journey at first but it has ended up being very fun. I have met so many great moms from all over the place that love to laugh, share, support, and offer advice on any subject! It's a great way to connect and not feel so isolated if you are a mom facing the day to day challenges with your kids. The hardest part is fitting what you want to say in 140 characters or less each time! Since we have our computer on most of the day, it has been fun to type a little message quickly as I walk through the dining room or check what other's have tweeted! I will be tweeting as Shera_Mama from now on, but probably not as often as I have been (JW will be glad for that! haha) I'm thankful to have met my new Twitter friends including the Sling and Swaddle mamas and hope to stay in touch as our babies are all close in age! This contest has offered a lot of new experiences and created some great connections! Thanks Hotslings and MiracleBlanket and all the sponsors!


colleen on June 30, 2009 at 7:48 PM said... 1

Well! Glad to have more of a story with the Twitter Mommy!


I followed your new name and your blog is now in my life.

colleen on June 30, 2009 at 7:58 PM said... 2

Last word was supposed to be "list" but "life" works too. That's what I get for typing and also watching a movie at the same time. :)

You know how it goes... right?! RIGHT?!


Pamela on June 30, 2009 at 9:36 PM said... 3

Great comment about having lots of pictures of you and your girlie being a wonderful gift. You have such a lovely attitude!

Also, you have a great haircut. I have a frizzy blob now that the summer humidity has struck, and since I've been thinking that for the whole month of June, I thought I'd tell you so.

Kekibird on July 1, 2009 at 4:20 PM said... 4

Sounds like a great experience. And my son LIVED in his miracle wrapper for 5 months. Wish it could have been longer but summers in CA can be way too hot to be bundled. And we're big Harvey Karp followers. Loved his tips.

Karen ~Georgia Angel on July 2, 2009 at 7:07 PM said... 5

What a great post about the conclusion of your journey. Wish I had had something like that when my 5 year old was born, it could have made things so much easier for me. BTW, I have posted an award for you on my blog.

Rotten on July 2, 2009 at 10:33 PM said... 6

Admit it... you're addicted to Twitter now! :) It was a fun journey and it was nice getting to know you. Please keep in touch.


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