Thursday, July 16, 2009

Girly Girl

Charlotte seems to be growing, growing, growing this week! She looks and feels bigger and heavier. She now pushes up on her elbows and holds her chest up off the ground so she can watch what is going on around her. She also likes to sit in the jumperoo and dance her little feet on the ground to bounce! She's still sleeping through the night and I will probably jinx myself to say again that the child has only given me 2 rough nights in her entire life! We have been feeling pretty girly around these parts lately. We have made tutu's and I've been out trying to find matching hair bowbands for getting her picture taken next week! Picture People has a great coupon right now for a free portrait package, so this is a great excuse! (E-mail me if you want me to forward you the coupon- I think it's good until July 25th!) I think she looks adorable in her tutu and all her little dresses. There are so many great summer dresses at Wal-Mart for like $3.00! Can't beat that when you are on a budget! I also found cute black metal letters to spell her name out on her wall in her bedroom. The walls are pink so I think the black will look nice against it! She has such a long name and Luke had nice big white wooden letters which cost $5.00 each. So fortunately these were only $1.50 each so I could spell her whole name out! :) Now when Charlotte is on her tummy she constantly kicks her legs and tries to crawl. She scootches around pretty well! She loves to hold on to dolls and stuffed animals when she is sleeping on her side. She also still loves watching Luke whenever he is in close proximity- I suppose his wild antics are pretty entertaining! Her head also swivels around as soon as she hears Daddy say anything. She locks in on him and starts to grin right away! I guess that is what they mean by a Daddy's girl. I can't wait until she is big enough to do dance lessons and other girly stuff. I will be her proud mama watching on! Sorry nothing like 'Toddlers in Tiaras' though- that would be a little extreme! I think we will keep her au naturel! I took this picture today... who do you think she looks like?? A Kompagne or a Rehling??


Kekibird on July 16, 2009 at 1:50 PM said... 1

Oh my goodness...I think my uterus just skipped a beat. I want to borrow this little one for some girly time! She's too cute and I love the tu-tu. Very sweet!

mommaruthsays on July 16, 2009 at 1:51 PM said... 2

"Oh my goodness...I think my uterus just skipped a beat."

How funny!!! She is an adorable little girl - you are very lucky!

Pamela on July 16, 2009 at 2:08 PM said... 3

so adorable!

Rotten on July 16, 2009 at 9:12 PM said... 4

OMG, look at that smile! Gorgeous! And like I said before, I can't WAIT to make such a cute tutu for C.


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