Tuesday, January 20, 2009

33 weeks

Wow! I can't believe that tomorrow will be 33 weeks along in this pregnancy. I can't imagine having a little baby girl soon to cuddle and hold. We still haven't decided on a name, which JW thinks makes it seem "less real" that it will happen soon. A few weeks ago he said we were going to decide by the end of the weekend... obviously that didn't happen. Being back at work has been keeping me pretty busy, although we did have another long weekend here. The temperatures were sooooo cold we were stuck inside all the time. Luke and I are hanging out on our own now and he is keeping me entertained in the evenings. He is talking a lot about Daddy and he just started saying things like "Wuuuuv Ewwwwwwwww!" for "I love you!" so that has been nice for JW to hear on the phone. My friend Kati came up to visit us with her son Seth on Monday. We had a nice lunch with the boys and they played around for the afternoon. Luke wasn't too willing to share his footballs and basketballs but for the most part they got along! I just got an e-mail saying Seth is now throwing up and to be on the alert so I am hoping Luke and I also don't get sick this week.
Luke now loves to color and draw with pens. He mostly wants me to draw footballs, football helmets, basketballs, basketball hoops.... sometimes an airplane but always goes back to "hoops!" He scribbles around and that is cute to watch and have him ask me to draw things for him. He is so impressed with my limited talent!

He also started playing with his trains more and more. He says the cutest "All aboard!!" in a sing songy voice without the a on aboard said. He loves pointing out "girls" and "guys" on TV or when we go someplace. His other favorite thing to label is "creepy" (keepy) which would be anything that's a little scary or weird looking that he sees. I am just waiting for the day where we are in public and I hear "Creepy.. Guy ...Mustache". Mustaches are also a favorite topic of discussion. It's amazing what a little 21 month old mind comes up with and remembers from day to day. I love watching him grow and develop his language skills.
If you hadn't noticed already I finally got a chance to personalize the blog more and I think it looks pretty cute right now! I am learning how to change and add things all the time and I get pretty excited about it. It's still pretty plain but I am impressed with anything I manage to figure out. Do you like the colors and the changes???
I wish I could think of a more creative blog title but for now this is all I can come up with...


Mary on January 28, 2009 at 2:07 PM said... 1

I like the background you have chosen. It looks nice. 33 weeks already! Wow! I bet you're anxious to hold that little girl. We need to make plans to get together some Saturday. I'll email soon.


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