We have had a busy week here since Christmas. Some good news is that I passed my 3 hour glucose test so I do not have to worry about having gestational diabetes! I had another doctor's appt. where everything measured good and no concerns. JW even went along so he got to hear the heartbeat as well. We still don't have a name picked out yet. We were getting ready for JW to be gone on the road for at least a month and then his work called and said the trip was postponed/cancelled (not sure if it will happen at a later date). So we were relieved but then again it brings uncertainty with his job and he could still end up going later on. So we will see what happens!
We had a lot of nice family time together over the holidays since JW had more days off than usual. Luke's been having a great time at home and also going to Nana's a lot and Aunt Amy's to play with cousins. Hopefully it won't be too shocking to him to get back into a normal routine! I know it will be hard for me to get up early tomorrow and head to work. :)
I am starting to sort through Luke's old baby clothes and try to see what I have that can be used for a girl as well. We got out his old baby seat that vibrates and plays music and he liked sitting in it with his ba-ba and blankie just as much as he did when he was tiny!
I wasn't sure what to do for bedding/decorating the baby room and since it is still in demolition it is hard to imagine. I didn't really want to spend a lot of money for all the coordinated stuff we don't really need, but last night at Babies R Us I found a set that was on clearance (and then it rang up 30% off the clearance price too)! So I didn't feel as guilty buying it and then things will match and I think it will look cute. It is white, pink, and red with little flowers on the sheets and bumper. Of course we don't have all the items in the picture but we do have sheets, crib bumper, crib skirt, comforter/ blanket, and curtain that will match.

We still have a lot to do in the room before it can be painted and really ready to be decorated. JW is busy hammering and drilling right now as I type. Hopefully, we will make good progress on it in the next 9 weeks!
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