Friday, April 2, 2010


Today was my first day home with the kids for the start of my Spring Break. Finally!!! That's all I can say about that! However, it was a very bittersweet start to vacation time as on Thursday we lost one precious little 9 year old boy who was a student in an elementary school where I work. His mother also works at the school and on Wednesday he was accidentally hit by a pick-up truck while he checked the mail. His mother and little brother were right there as well...soooooo incredibly tragic and heart-wrenching. I can't imagine the pain they are going through and as a parent I don't know how you cope. It shakes me to near paranoia with how do I keep my kids safe! The sad fact is though that I can't, nothing is a guarantee in life ...accidents happen, illnesses happen, and it only takes a second for life to be forever changed. I read parent blogs, news stories, even the files of some of my students, and my heart breaks into a million pieces. I pray every night that children would never get killed, get cancer, experience abuse or trauma and yet I know it is not a prayer that is likely to happen. I don't know why these things happen and would like to be able to make sense of it all, but it never will. At least not to me. I
This morning I was watching The Early Show on CBS (I actually got a moment to watch something besides cartoons) and a boy named Justin was talking about his diagnosis of a inoperable brain tumor. His goal is to shoot 40,000 baskets which represents the number of people who are diagnosed with brain tumors in the United States each year! He is also raising money for the National Brain Tumor Society in the hopes of funding more research and a cure for others. I was really impressed with the poise and ability this 13 year old showed in describing his goal. Here's a link to the segment and his website if you want to check it out. What an inspiration.

Watch CBS News Videos Online

I was very thankful to have this Good Friday holiday to be with my kids and enjoy some quality time together. I will definitely be holding them tighter this week and counting my blessings.


Anonymous said... 1

Oh how tragic. My heart goes out to families who have lost loved ones especially children. Have a Happy Easter.


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