It's been sooooo nice this week with temps in the mid-60's after work! The spring peeper (frogs) are always singing in the dark when I open the door at night or in the morning, the birds are chirping, and I've spotted a few purple crocus bundles blooming by the side of the road. Oh, and I did see a baby horse and a baby cow when driving past some Amish farms yesterday so I took that as a good sign that spring has finally arrived! We've been able to take the kids (and Cooper) on much needed walks after dinner. It feels so nice to have sunshine on your face and get some fresh air. Unfortunately, the next few days are predicted to be cold, rainy, and possibly some snow. What a bummer! But at least we have had a taste of what spring can bring and look forward to warmer temps again soon.
Spring Break week is right around the corner and I am ready for the vacation time to just relax a little bit and play with the kids. I'm hoping its nice enough to go to the park and I've never taken Luke to the library so maybe that's something else easy we can do. Hopefully the kids will let me sleep in a little bit that week! That's probably wishful thinking! haha I don't think I'll be "sleeping in" like I used to in my early 20's for about 20 more years but at this point in my life that's okay!
Awww they're holding hands...
"Why am I wearing so many colors Mom??"
A much needed drink break after the walk...
awww so cute. It's been beautiful here and I hope it stays!
What a beautiful spring day!
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