Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Bliss

We had a wonderful Christmas and I am really enjoying my vacation time at home with the kids. For the most part, everyone has been in really great spirits and we are having a great time with loved ones. Luke was officially spoiled on Christmas eve, Christmas morning, and Christmas day haha but it was so much fun to see the joy on his face. I've also been able to spoil him with attention, playtime, and kisses and let him know that he is a loved and cherished child. Charlotte as well is a joy to be around. At 9 months she is showing her little personality more and more and its so fun to watch her grow. One of my favorite moments this Christmas was her reaction when opening a special American Girl doll that my grandparents gave her for Christmas. Lottie just went crazy for the doll's face she could see through the box- she was crawling all over it and trying to get at it, I couldn hardly get it away from her to open the box! She also does this funny "egh egh egh!" laugh when she's excited and she was doing that. It was so cute! The other night she slept 10 hours without me having to get up!! That's a record for her... I thought it was a Christmas miracle and maybe from then on she would always sleep that long. Well, the next night we had to get up around 2am, so I guess I'm not in for consistent all night sleeps but hopefully soon!

Today my mom and I took the kids outside in the snow. Charlotte's first time out in the snow- which she enjoyed the sled ride into the woods and would wiggle her arms and feet when she got pulled. She wasn't so happy when we stopped so that Luke and I could sled down the hill a few times haha. But both kids had fun.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last few days! Geez I love these kiddos. I am one lucky momma.

Cookie before bedtime! *GASP*!

My little sassy girl

Give me my doll!!!!!

"Hot Choco-lot" in his special little Christmas cup from Oma and Opa

Cool dude!

Taking my baby for a walk (cutest baby girl present!)

Sledding with Mommy!


Nicole on February 24, 2010 at 6:56 AM said... 1

Great pictures! (I kind of forgot I was a member of Blogger, I'm gonna try and get back into it!) I'm glad you and your family had a good Christmas!


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