Cookie before bedtime! *GASP*!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Bliss
Cookie before bedtime! *GASP*!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Here Comes Santa Claus...
Luke is VERY excited about Christmas this year and we've been hyping him up all month! This morning he said Charlotte was going to go on Santa's naughty list because she knocked an ornament off the Christmas tree! So he generally gets the idea of it all. He saw some presents I had wrapped for family members earlier in the week and wanted to know where his was. I told him Mommy and Daddy had a Christmas present for him but we didn't wrap it yet. So last night we finally wrapped the presents from Santa and a big box with an Chalkboard/Wipeboard/Magnet easel got wrapped up for Luke from Mommy and Daddy. He was sooooo excited to see that big present this morning but immediately said, "I wanna open it!". When I tried explaining we have to wait until Christmas.... then came the tears. I would give in and let him open it tonite since it is Christmas eve and it's from us, but I know JW would not agree with that. I double checked with JW got home from work but as expected he said Luke has to wait for tomorrow! I think Christmas is fun when you are a kid and then as you get older and don't believe in Santa anymore it loses some of the fun... but then when you have your own kids to hype it up to and try to make Christmas special it becomes magical again. I can't imagine what next year will be like when both kids know about Santa and are sooooo excited to see what will happen on Christmas morning.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and happy and healthy 2010!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Charlotte at 9 months

First Snowfall!!
I'm FINALLY on Christmas Vacation... seriously didn't think I would make it to this point a few times. Unfortunately, (for him) JW is having to work this weekend but it is a blessing to have work available! The kids and I have spent the day playing and organizing the house. When Luke woke up and he saw we had a few inches of snow he was soooooo excited! I promised him when Charlotte took a nap we could go out and play. He kept asking me, "My baby sleeping?" as she crawled past us on the floor.. "ummm no... does she look like she is asleep?". But he kept asking anyways! Finally she took a nap and I got him all bundled up. We threw snowballs, tried making a snowman, made snow angels, he literally rolled around in the snow, and soon was getting snow in his gloves and decided it was time to go inside. I think we probably spent more time getting him bundled up than we did actually being outside. But that was okay with me! It was still fun.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Getting Ready for Sinterklaas
Since J.W. is from Holland we will be celebrating Sinterklaas this weekend! This is the first year we are trying to follow more of the true Dutch traditions and having Luke and Charlotte put their shoes out by the fireplace and sing Sinterklaas songs so that he brings some treats overnight. From what Tante Essie has told me, kids in Holland do this off and on over 3 weeks!!! We started this week and I'm not sure Luke totally understands and he is a little confused by Sinterklaas and Santa being different people... but he is pretty much game for anything that will result in finding chocolate in his shoes! Today we also received a BIG box from Oma Janny and Opa Henk that Sinterklaas accidently delivered to their house instead! How nice of them to send it over for Luke and Charlotte! We took out the cookies, treats, and chocolates for Luke but we left the presents still a secret until December 5th! He found a big hollow Sinterklaas on the counter and came running to me saying, "Look Mommy, it's Holland! I found Holland!" hmmm I guess we have been talking about Holland and dutch traditions with Sinterklaas coming up but he is a little confused still! I guess it will make more sense as he gets older that Holland is a place!
Please enjoy JW (in a lovely *ahem* camo hat) singing Sinterklaas songs with Luke mumbling what I think sounds like the "ABC's" except he may be saying ABD and 'Appy, appy, appy' over and over??!! (Note to self- need to work on the ABC song...)
Sinterklaas Kapoentje,
Gooi wat in mijn schoentje! (throw something in my shoe?)
Gooi wat in mijn laarsje, (throw something in my boot)
Dank je Sinterklaasje! (Thank you Sinterklaas!)
If you want to know more about Sinterklaas traditions in Holland, I found this Wikipedia link to be pretty informative!