It has been said that carried babies-
*get a better view of the world- babies pushed in strollers or in car seats only get to see the adult world at knee-level
*learn more- not overstimulated, but calm and alert, which is the optimum state for nervous system development
*become independent faster- when your baby feels loved and cared for then they are confident and trust that you will be there to meet their needs
*regulate their own physical responses -better motor skills, coordination, and sense of balance from observing you and listening to you
*are calmer - when you are close to your baby you can quickly respond to all of her needs
*cry less -less stress hormones from crying means your baby is happier and more peaceful
In honor of International Babywearing Week, I am sharing our on-going journey through babywearing:
The Snugli... (Didn't use too long since it killed my shoulders & back after Luke got over 15 pounds)

A metal-frame backpack carrier that I hoped would be more comfy (not so much...) But did use for hiking a little bit.
The SleepyWrap... (Loved this for newborn months...I honestly need to learn more ways to tie it now that Charlotte is bigger!)
The Hotslings (Loved front carry position before she could hold her head up well..perfect around 4 months. Also loved the pretty fabric! Now when we do the hip carry Charlotte seems to want to arch her back away from me...not sure why that is!)
And Finally the Ergobaby Carrier (This is my go-to carrier right now and I think it will be useful for quite some time now that Charlotte is getting bigger and even Luke can still ride in it. I didn't have the infant insert so 4+ months is when we started using it. Ergobaby also has a new Heart2Heart infant insert that looks more secure for younger babies to ride in this carrier.)
Oh oh oh... the sleepywrap. One of my most favorite. All of these pictures are so beautiful.
I have a sleepy wrap, too! That is a great pic. And I am a new lover of Ergo, too!
Those were just starting to become popular when our son was little 17 years ago.
I was always too scared to put him in one.
They always make the best baby gift.
Thanks for being a Follower of my blog.
Isn't it amazing how many different ways you can WEAR a child. Love it. We are still loving the Ergo. And finally, the sling is a life saver at Target (hip carry).
I also love the Ergo- I know mom's that carry their large 2 year olds in them! Love the pictures!
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