If you notice in these pictures... Luke got a "big boy" haircut courtesy of the Daddy Boutique! He cut it a little shorter than I had expected but it turned out cute. It kind of made me sad for a few hours because he looked a lot older, but then I got used to it.
Charlotte started getting a rash on her face last week and I have been trying to deal with that. I finally got in to the doctor's office this morning and just like I thought he would say, "It's just baby acne". I don't think it really is. I think it's a reaction to something but of course this morning it looked a little less irritated and red. I have just been keeping it greased up with Aquaphor and maybe that is helping and it will continue to get better. I've been all worried about whether it's a milk allergy, food allergy, and that she is going to have horrible red faced dermatitis for the first few years of her life until she grows out of it.. and of course the doctor just says "it's just baby acne". From what I have looked up online I think it's atopic dermatitis that infants can get around 6-12 weeks of life. Of course, I don't think the doctor wanted me to question him and explain to him that I already have diagnosed her through the internet!! Haha! Since it looked a little better today I am hoping to continue the Aquaphor and being careful about what her face touches and see if it goes away on it's own. He said we could try a topical steroid but I think I will wait on that. She is eating good and sleeping good so I don't think it is bothering her too much. When they weighed her today (with diaper and clothes on) she was 10 pounds 10 ounces! So in a month she has gained over 2 pounds! When Luke went for his 2 year check up he was 31 pounds and 35 1/2 inches tall. That's the 85th percentile for weight and 70th percentile for height.
Charlotte is now starting to smile and of course she gives Daddy the smiles the most! I have been trying to get a picture of the smiles but it never seems to work out. She is still an excellent baby and still very content and we are thankful for that. Here are some random shots from earlier in April...
Luke's first fish caught with Bunka...

Looking cute with Nanny...

Watch out for these party animals... cousin Karlson brought home a storm trooper helmet toy on Easter which Luke and Colin also had to wear. Notice Luke's cool Spiderman slippers and yes, that's him under the helmet. He is also becoming quite the light saber fighter when Karlson is around. Karlson always gets to be Luke Skywalker and Luke has to be Darth Vader and they battle around with the collapsable light sabers- complete with sound effects and colored lights! It's just a little frightening!

Hmmm... Do I look like I could use a timeout????

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