Wednesday, December 3, 2008

26 weeks

Here we are at 26 weeks! Our baby girl is moving around a lot now and feels like she is bumping up against my ribs all the time! We had a really nice and relaxing Thanksgiving. I was very thankful to have JW home every day of the long weekend and spend some nice quality time together. At 19 months Luke is really starting to imitate EVERYTHING and also putting words together to communicate. It is really neat to see him learning so much right now. Luke gave the baby (my belly) a kiss the other day and then went "Uh-oh Booger!!!" and pointed to the snot that was now on my shirt. :)
Here are a couple short videos from Thanksgiving where he learned that he likes pumpkin pie and whipped cream!!! I also found a picture from Luke's First Thanksgiving where he is trying to take a bite out of a turkey leg.... What a difference a year (and some hair) makes! In looking back at some of his old photos on the computer it is just really amazing how much he has changed and grown in such a short time! I hardly remember him having a little round face and no hair! I also realized that I REALLY need to do something with his baby book since I don't have pictures yet organized in an album for him. It would be nice to be able to look back on all the different memories from his first year. Someday... soon... I think... I will make myself attempt his scrapbook.

Tomorrow is a special Dutch holiday where Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet arrive to bring presents and treats to all the little children. However, if you have not been a good boy or girl Zwarte Piet will put you in a bag and take you away to Spain (from what I understand)! How terrifying! All Santa threatened was coal in your stocking... not a kidnapping. Although I am sure there are some nice vacation spots in Spain that I wouldn't mind visiting!


Mary on December 5, 2008 at 1:22 PM said... 1

It is amazing how much Luke's changed in a year's time. I'm sure he'll keep that up for a while. This blog is great. I think you'll enjoy sharing this. I know I'll enjoy keeping up with it.


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