Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Attempt

Hi! This is my first attempt at creating a blog for our family. We will see if this is a useful way to share pictures/videos and updates on our family. I have begun to follow many blogs and love the easy format to check in on how people are doing and read their thoughts! This makes me a little nervous to attempt but also hopeful that it will be a fun and easy way to connect with our friends and family! Luke is now 19 months and he is changing everyday. He repeats EVERYTHING (mommy and daddy have to watch what they say now!) and he surprises us all the time with what he knows! We are expecting a baby girl in March and he can point to my belly (or sometimes his own) to tell where the baby is. He even shook and gave his baby sister a rattle... of course that means tossing it towards my belly, but it was sweet anyways!! Here are some recent pictures of my silly boy.... the funny faces are supposed to be smiles. :)


Esther-Rene on December 8, 2008 at 11:32 PM said... 1

Hi there Janwillem, Elizabeth and Luke,

This is fun having ablog, although I havent figured out yet how to put pictures on our blog....I am really fast on understanding those things lololol....but I will get there. Love Esther

Fam. Verheij on December 10, 2008 at 2:04 AM said... 2

Wow! Amazing!
This is great to see those pictures en read the stories.
Luke has grown so fast! He looks a lot like JW when he was that same age. Remember JW? you in that red box with you red cup? ;-)
I understand Sinterklaas has also visited a little boy in America!
Did he also receive an e-card from Luna & Senna? They were so nervous!
They got spoiled and are now asking when christmas is coming for more presents!

See if we can make a blog aswell,
Love Kirsten


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