Tuesday, March 31, 2009
More cuteness
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Diego Shoes
The weather has finally gotten to be warmer so earlier this week Kathryn and I took Luke and Charlotte to the park. Here are a couple cute videos of Luke and his antics. I love the way he ignores me and does a funny quick turn around in the first video lol What a weird-o! Then on the second video he says "I got shocked!" which he discovered static electricity earlier this year. At the babysitter's house he was going around shocking kids and saying, "I shock you!" and laughing when he gets a reaction.
J.W. went to the orthopedic surgeon's office Friday and they removed the staples from his leg. He was relieved to find out that didn't hurt at all! They said it would be another 4 weeks in the immobilizer brace and no bending his knee. When he goes back in a month they will tell him about starting physical therapy. It sounds like he will be recuperating at home for another 10 weeks. For now he has his whole leg in a tight brace and walks with crutches. He is still keeping it elevated as much as possible. He was able to lay on the floor for the first time and play with Luke tonight and that made Luke a very happy little boy! Which two weeks into being a big brother a happy little boy seems like a miracle! :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
2 weeks old and an almost 2 year old
Luke has been lucky to have lots of people come over to play with him and take him on walks lately. He is experiencing some terrible two's behavior and jealousy/frustration with sharing his parent's attention with the new baby. Daddy can't get up off the couch much to play and often Mommy has things she has to do with Charlotte or the dog or the house so that is hard for Luke. He is talking more and more all the time which is very fun to hear. He constantly points things out to me "Mommy hoop!"... "Mommy bird!"... "Mommy motorcycle!"... "Mommy car!"... he keeps repeating these phrases until you comment that yes, you see the basketball hoop too. He found that he LOVES Milkshakes from McDonalds now. Daddy had one and he got to taste it and now we hear "more shakey" all the time. He has been getting to go outside now that the weather is nicer. He doesn't always find it easy to be patient and wait until Mommy is able to go outside with him and he definately does not like to be told that it is time to go inside! We have a slight obsession starting with the cartoon Go Diego Go! It is about a little boy who is an animal scientist so we learn all about animals. Luke got a dvd of 4 different episodes and we have watched it a million times already! Mommy and Daddy can't get the songs out of our heads now! Last night, Nanny (my mom) came over and brought him new shoes with Diego on them! I have never seen Luke look soooooooooooo happy! He was giggling with excitement and once they were on his feet he started running around our living room non-stop! He kept yelling "Go Diego Go!" and running and jumping and falling down on purpose. His cheeks got red, and he got all sweaty but he didn't stop running! I think those shoes gave him some special Diego powers and he had to show them off. For the first time he said "Mommy, watch.... I jump!" and then showed me a big jump in his new shoes. He gratefully gave hugs and said Thank you to his Nanny and Aunt Kaki for bringing him these wonderful shoes. It was hilarious to watch how excited he got. I think we may have to have a Diego themed birthday party if this keeps up. I want to get a picture of him in his Diego shoes but I don't know if I can get him to hold still long enough. I will try later on tonite!
Friday, March 13, 2009
J.W.'s Surgery... rest of the week drama
I continued to get fever and chills that evening and through the night. My poor mom stayed around and helped us with Luke and Charlotte and listened to me blubber in misery! She also took a day off work Wednesday to help us and entertain Luke, hold the baby, walk the dog, etc. I think the fever finally was gone by late night Wednesday, now just have a scratchy throat and cough. Luckily, Charlotte hasn't shown signs of being ill and Luke didn't have the high fever/chills part so that was a big relief.
Thursday was rough because Charlotte didn't want to be laid down at night and would wake up every 10 minutes from 11pm-3:30am and only sleep if you held her. I finally fell asleep with her in my arms on the couch by 4am and was then very tired Thursday. Luke was also tired and needy and JW isn't able to get up to help so it has been difficult. Everything always seems to happen at once... the dog needs let out/in, Charlotte is nursing, Luke is crying for something or needs to be fed/changed/etc/, oh and Daddy will say he needs a drink when I get a chance! :) So it has been very overwhelming when I am not feeling good myself. Plus I think the postpartum hormones and emotions don't help that either.
So now we are to Friday. Luke went to his babysitter's so he could run around and play. Charlotte slept much better last night with the help of the MIRACLE BLANKET! Let's hope it works tonite as well! My headache finally went away. JW finally got up for a sponge bath and some new clothes on. His pain pump has run out but he is feeling better and is able to at least get up and go down the dining room stairs to use the restroom a few times a day. So things are hopefully looking up! Here are some pictures of his set up he has on the couch for now.
So that is the long and short of her delivery. I have a few more posts to make on Daddy's surgery and our drama since coming home but I will try to add that later (I have to go give JW a sponge bath... seriously..) Here are some pics!